"What I begin by reading, I must finish by acting." -Henry David Thoreau

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Long Time

So I haven't shopped at Wal-Mart yet. BUT I did enter one. It was traumatizing.

I was meeting my mother so that she could give me my graduation present, and she had to run in to "get a few things" and insisted that I go with her. I told her that it was like dragging a recently clean druggie out of rehab and back into a crack-den. She thought that this was hilarious. I just wanted to inhale all of the dirt cheap merchandise.

But I'm glad I went in. It only reaffirmed how very wrong I think Wal-Mart really is.
"I've got my shampoo, now I need some cleaning products. Oh, and here is a lovely display of cookies. I'll get those too. And dog food. And I also want to look at the DVDs..." And all at ridiculously low prices so that you KNOW that a five year old in an underdeveloped country (or China) made it especially for you.

So that is my story.

I also got into Grad School; I'm going to Rutgers University! Hooray!
