"What I begin by reading, I must finish by acting." -Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Quick Note

I just found out that I am going to be listed as the co-author of a text book. I figured that Facebook was too immature of a place to go shouting about it, so I'd just write about it here. I was hired for the summer to help Dr. Susan Kattwinkel edit and prepare her textbook that is basically an "Introduction to College" textbook for freshman in First Year programs at the College of Charleston. For 3-ish months I sent out e-mails to various CofC representatives to ensure that we could use certain material, searched the Kendall-Hunt website for non-offensive Health sections (I will tangent on this in a second), and, most importantly, wrote small sections and created exercises/ worksheets. These exercises included scavenger hunts, money management, time management, and my favorite, how to write a paper for college. I assumed that I would be listed as an editing assistant or intern, but an e-mail from Susan a couple of days ago informed me that I would be listed as the co-author and that she would send me the information for my resume. I thought that this was pretty swell, and wanted to share. Huzzah!

*Health Sections that generally screamed NO SEX EVER multiple times. They argued that having sex could add stress to your college workload. I think that healthy relationships lend themselves to healthy, stress relieving sex. Maybe they should have told the kids about building healthy relationships, and then having as much sex as possible.


  1. Wow Clellan! That's great! I want a copy of said book.

    on the "health" section:
    hahaha, unbelievable.

  2. Cool, I should get all the publication information soon; it'll be in print next summer!
